Monday, March 28, 2011

Week One In-studio

My name is Will Young. I'm from Greensboro, NC, and have an older and younger sister. I'm not sure when my family came to the United States originally. My father is a doctor and my mother is a realtor. In the United States today, the main concern for a young person is being able to make a living. The economy is weak and as a result, young people who are fortunate enough to receive a good college education are graduating and having almost as hard of a time searching for work as those who the non-college route. For me, digital media is mainly helpful for practical purposes, like schoolwork. I have never had to grow food for my or my family's sustenance, but I think that would be interesting. I guess I've always been interested in art, but I probably fully realized it when I was in high school. I would advise any teenager newly arrived in the U.S. to basically focus on getting work and basically to make sure they can support themselves when need be before getting distracted by the disorienting American culture. I have traveled outside the country some, my favorite place so far being Uganda. Visiting there was an eye-opening experience that made me realize how differently people around the world really live. I have no idea what matters most to me; the best I've figured out up to this point as far as a "life philosophy" is concerned is to do my best to keep myself and those I care about happy and to see that whatever I do doesn't make the world a more negative place, if not to actually improve it.